Thursday, 1 May 2014

Day 121 - unfinished plans

We are heading into the convocation weekend. There was a meeting this morning to determine the graduation list to grant degrees. My plans then had been to work on the report due in two weeks but these were sidetracked by a number of other important tasks. It is all good, but just not what I had planned.

Plans -- much has been written on them. Burns noted that plans often fall apart (gang aft agley), while a more contemporary poet, John Lennon, said "life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." Often the plans I've made don't come to fruition, and I feel that I've made things 'all about me' because it was 'my' plans that got pushed to the back burner when someone else's plans for me fell into my lap. I've often felt that I need to hide behind a closed door or work from home to get the planned work completed.

Anxiety seems a major part of repeatedly being unable to complete a planned task. Interesting. A line from a song that highlighted this feeling today noted that  'life becomes a fist'. When looking for this song to share, I could only find it from a concert video with two songs. Oddly, the second song fit well with the 'it's not all about me' feelings I've had. So -- today is a two-for-one day <smile>.  Enjoy!

Laugh Kills Lonesome AND I am not that -- Michael Nesmith

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