Saturday, 10 May 2014

Day 130 - travelling song

Report update -- software mostly cooperating, but not entirely <sigh> -- and no techies to help until Monday.

On another note, I  was thinking of past travels while cleaning today. I have been to many places and my list is still very long <smile>. I have a map of Canada and others of USA, Europe and Asia. When I travel somewhere new, I mark it on the map with highlighters. If there was a road trip involved, I mark the highways travelled.  I do need to put these up on a cork board wall in the basement so I can see them more often and add push pins to the highlighted mix..

When trying to figure out why I was thinking of travels, it dawned on me that there was a new Tim's commercial this week that celebrates where the ads have been over the 50 years the company has been around. It includes snipits from several memorable commercials, so watch to see which you recall. The song they sing is a Canadian version, but very cool. I found myself listening to it and mentally checking off all the places that I, too, had been. So, while commercial enterprises aren't what I usually want to promote here, this ad was just too good to let it pass. Enjoy!

I've been everywhere -- Tim Horton's 50th Anniversary Commercial

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