Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Day 133 -- team work

Spent much of the day in a group meeting to work on "the report".  It was a long day and yet everyone stuck in there working through this laborious task. Good news -- we are almost there -- it is this  ><  close <smile>. Later in the day, I was part of another meeting for a different group. We are putting an annual report together. Again, wonderful experience moving this project forward.

Team work -- we talk about it often, but seeing it in action is not as common as the phrase. It is one of those terms that receives "lip service" but not always action. Some folks feel that sitting in the room with others is team work. I sometimes feel sorry for them, as the feeling of working on a project together is amazing to experience. It is like line dancing or group tai chi -- moving as a single entity rather than individuals is just plain cool. <smile>  The group becomes greater than the individuals that comprise it. That is a feeling that everyone should get to experience, yet some just don't see the world from this vantage point. Some want to be the choreographer instead of the dancer.

One of my team mates noted that she used two songs in recent workshops and we heard them both today as part of our group work. One was "Happy" by Pharrell Williams (but you do have to dance for that one <smile>) and the other was from an unexpected movie. This latter is my choice for today -- it is from a kid's movie -- the filming looks amazing. Enjoy!

Everything is awesome --Tegan & Sarah

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