Sunday, 25 May 2014

Day 145 -- relaxing with music memories

Another Sunday filled with some relaxation, chatting with friends, the ubiquitous laundry and <gasp> music. When reading a blog linked off FB this afternoon, I was reminded again of music that has been part of me for decades now.  The blog was by Jessica Jones Cramer, the daughter of Davy Jones whose music career included time with the Monkees. She noted that her father was known to say "music mingles souls."

This phrase struck me in the core of my being. It is what I've known forever. It is why I have this blog and why many of you read it. This brought back some listening time with that amazing voice. Davy sang many songs and a few of them are in my favourite '60s songs list (which is only in my head <smile>). I love many and will likely share others he sang here. Today I want to share one of my all time favourite songs. It was written by Jack Keller and Diane Hildebrand. Its been covered by many, but the version sung my Davy is still my favourite. The bass riff is amazing and this one really does the singer's voice justice. In the dim distant past during the beginning of the public use of the Internet, I told Jack Keller that I found this one of the most relaxing songs -- it is like liquid valium. He kindly thanked me and spoke further to the construction of the song. So -- today, I share this wonderful calming song with all of you. Enjoy!

Early Morning Blues and Greens -- The Monkees

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