Thursday, 29 May 2014

Day 149 - Rising above

This seems to be a literary week here.  Today I have been reflecting on Maya Angelou and her amazing gift of words. From a troubled past including a period of being non-communicative, came this amazing woman whose words gave hope and courage to so many. Her words will continue to do so.

One quote that carries much meaning for me comes from her poem 'Still I Rise.' To me, these words encompass her rising from a sad past to become someone who lived in the moment and modelled that for so many others.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
They are words with such power they almost take my breath away.

Today I thought of a song that builds on the theme of resilience and hope. I first heard this just before moving to the maritimes where many people have known the words by heart for some time. It was written almost 30 years ago by a man from Englishtown, Cape Breton. Here it is sung by the first voice I heard sing the song -- the voice from Mabou that made the song what it is for many people. Enjoy!

We'll Rise Again -- Raylene Rankin and the Rankins

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