My career has involved many moves to many cities and jobs. Most were planned as I really want to do it all <smile>. Each built on the other and I've now been on my current position for the longest of any job yet. I understand the mixed emotions of leaving something known and somewhat comfortable for something new and scary. But, the excitement of trying something new is amazing, too. I've also worked in places where co-workers moved on. Those remaining know the dynamic will change and the routine and comfort of a colleague will be replaced by finding new rhythms and getting used to a new co-worker. None of this is insurmountable, but it does take mental energy -- and it seems humans often would rather remain comfortable than face any sort of change. <smile>
We all have to make decisions and take forks in the road during our journeys. It is healthy to change things up a bit. Today's selection deals with the good in moving on and letting go in order to do so. Enjoy!
Time of your life (good riddance) -- Green Day
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