Sunday, 11 May 2014

Day 131 - music in my life

That music is part of my daily life must be obvious now <smile>. Reflecting today on when music entered my days, it was clear that as far back as I can recall (and likely earlier) it has been there.

When I was a toddler, my mother would read me poetry and we'd sing songs. She still loves to read poetry aloud -- and made friends with my brother's skittish rescue cat by sitting on the couch and doing just that. The little female cat now will sit beside her and purr as long as she keeps reading <smile>. We did sing songs through the early days and listened to records (LPs <smile>) of Disney music and wonderful music from 30s and 40s on LPs and 78s.  I would listen to them over and over and memorized all the words, singing with all my might along with Connie Francis, Dean Martin and Danny Kaye.

My grandparents (Dad's parents) always had music playing at the house unless it was time for the stories in the afternoon <smile>. My grandfather played the violin to what was on the stereo. My piano came from their home when all kids playing it had left home. My dad would play a C-melody sax while I played the piano. My other grandparents (mom's parents) had an old record player -- an Edison with a crank and oodles of WWI era platters to listen and sing along to. There I learned 'Its a long way to Tipperary' and 'Rule Britannia.. That record player sits in my bedroom today. At Sunday school, public school, and church junior choir we sang regularly. So, it was no wonder that I'd sing to myself while reading or playing.

As I entered high school and university years, I received a small stereo for Christmas so I could play my music in my room without bothering anyone in the living room. I played the piano still and took guitar lessons. My brother was a whiz with music and played the saxophone (E-flat alto) and later 6- and 12-string guitars by ear. He was the singer in a small garage band, too. So, music is a family thing it seems.

The song that held this all together for me today reflects my feelings about music - where would we be without it?. This is a newer version of the song with a wonderful young voice. Enjoy!

Thank you for the music -- Amanda Seyfried

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