Thursday, 21 November 2019

Day 6 -- 224 -- Working Together

The day began with a phone meeting for an upcoming presentation. Members on the call were on both coasts and in the center of the country. It was interesting to be together planning while in 3 time zones. Another meeting will occur next week to set up the 'to do' list for gathering information and developing something that is as good as what the original plan stated <smile>. Other errands and phone calls involved collaborative efforts to see something come together. I enjoy working together to bring an idea into the light where it can be shared and built upon by others. I'm not sure any idea is truly and original individual thought, since we can get ideas from just being around other people and places. Such kernels of ideas hide away in the brain until they are ready to burst forth. When they do, we've forgotten where that one little semi-idea originated, so could take credit ourselves. We might take it, run with it, and produce something easily consumed by the masses, but that idea likely is part of ideas left by many other people. Interesting. Taking the idea and working it through the mind of others makes the final product so much more perfect. It is a painful process at times, but generally leaves one with pride in a job well done.

A song that was #1 on the UK charts 38 years ago involved a major musical collaboration. This was the first time David Bowie collaborated with other musical artists to record and release a song. Enjoy!

Under Pressure -- David Bowie & Queen

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