Saturday, 30 November 2019

Day 6 - 333 -- Major Weather Visits

Wind and snow continued through the day and into the night. All is expected to quell into tomorrow. That will make this almost three days of wind and precipitation, both frozen and not. A couple from down the road were unable to get to a matinee musical play, so had texted their tickets to a friend of mine. Getting to the show wasn't far to drive. I waded out through 4+inches of snow and the knee deep piles at the end of the driveway left by the street plow. While it was snow, it was very wet and walking to the car and then to the building left us both wishing we had a towel. The play went well, though it seemed rather long for the little ones that were in the audience.

Back home I did more laundry and made something for supper -- basic boring -- or mundane -- tasks. I left the shoveling to tomorrow once the snow stops falling. I will admit to feeling this is a bit early for such a storm and snow accumulation. I heard other say that, too. Yet, similar scenes have appeared in the social media memories noting that similar meteorological events have occurred with great regularity at this time of year. I would much rather nothing like this storm forced its way into my view at least until the end of December. That was the usual time for a major snow event when I moved here over 20 years ago. So, it begins for another year -- my blogging about my dislike of winter weather events <smile>.

A song came to mind today that seemed perfect for the day and the comments I heard from so many other people about this disruption to life as we'd wish it to be. Interestingly, I found myself using a few descriptive words for the snow that were not included in this lengthy listing. <grin>  Enjoy!

50 Word for Snow -- Kate Bush

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