Saturday, 2 November 2019

Day 6 - 304 -- Blustery Day

What a strange weather day! Temperature warmed overnight and by mid-day it felt like summer -- 22-25C with major humidity. Bits of sun became heavy overcast cloud ad then bright blue sky by supper time. Temperature began to fall by early evening and would be 4C into the overnight hours. During the day, wind increased by mid-afternoon to bring gusts close to 80 km/hr. These came from all directions. On a 5 minute walk across campus, I was buffeted from all directions. By 5 PM, the winds were much less noticeable. Very little rain fell, but the misty drizzle made me feel damp when it was being pushed at me by major winds. It felt like I was living in Winnie Pooh and the Blustery Day <grin>.

On campus, I tried to do some writing and editing without the e-file that I'd left at home. I was able to make some notes that should be easier to follow and job my memory as to what was needed where. I participated in a celebration of a successful PhD defense by one of our new faculty members. So exciting! It brings back memories of my time in this position at the same university. This was followed by a career path seminar by a graduated from 10 years ago, who has done a lot of different projects with a focus on sport nutrition. She is now the lead dietitian for the Toronto Maple Leaf organization (three team levels from NHL to farm team to bush league). She was entertaining as always. For a late Friday afternoon session, there was a good turnout of students.

A song with a fitting title becomes the selection for today. The rhythm feels a bit lighter and more upbeat than the gusts I encountered. The wind made me dance across the sidewalks, but not in the way I envision when listening to this song. <smile>.  Enjoy!

Windy and Warm -- The Ventures

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