Saturday, 9 November 2019

Day 6 - 312 -- Decisions! Decisions!

Besides the usual Saturday house chores, a couple of other items added some interest to the day. When I woke and looked out the window, I was taken aback. The ground changed colour overnight <sigh>. By tomorrow, it will return to the way it was yesterday -- at least for now. During the day, I began a debate with myself. Trying to make a decision on a major purchase brings much angst. Useful information had been diverted to the junk mail folder earlier this week. Now armed with that information, I can search for further details and begin the heavy duty pondering. If one big thing at a time occupied the mind, this type of process might be easier; it seems several decisions pile up, making any of the decisions more difficult. I try to do things methodically, but the outcome takes longer than hoped. One at a time is challenging; several at once is excruciating. The concept of decision fatigue appears, leading to difficulties choosing which socks to put on for the day or what to make for supper <sigh>. All will work out, in one form or another.

I laughed when the song came to mind today. When making a decision, I feel that I'm headed down the rabbit hole with Alice. The song contains this idea and pays homage to the fleeting colour change out the window, too. Enjoy!

White Rabbit -- Jefferson Airplane 

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