While walking home after the final meeting, I found myself semi-focused on what was going on inside and outside that interfered with plans for the day. I discovered a sense of anticipation but for a bundle of events -- all outside my control (of course! <smile>). Running between meetings I quickly said hello to a few friends, but had to postpone a chat until next week. A positive thing. I will do a public presentation in three weeks -- the topic was chosen months ago, so this will require getting back to what I meant by the longer title. <smile> These are good things with excitement and smiles. The weather forecast for the next week appears dismal at best, with some form of accumulating frozen precipitation appearing on every daily icon. Other changes on the home front are expected in the coming days. These induce negative stress.
Taking the moments to check in with myself led me to realize that living in the moment has been helping me to smile rather than obsess on as many 'what ifs' as is usual in my wee brain. That was cool to realize. There are more positives right now than negatives <smile>. Lucky me. Looking forward can be positive or much less than that. Finding the balance for the day helped me to feel much calmer -- not full on calm and cool, but less stressed. I'll take it. I chose the song for today because of the chorus lines that state what I recognized today as the reason behind my recent bouts of being late for meetings and appointments as well as the overwhelming sense of waiting for something new to arrive. The final lines sound like a live in the moment message. Overall, I found the revelations of my walking and thinking today to be quite rewarding. Enjoy!
Anticipation -- Carly Simon
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