Monday, 11 November 2019

Day 6 - 314 -- Remembering

This is the national day of remembrance of those who served and serve in our armed forces. The day involves stories of past wars long past, as well as those more recent. Each year the Legion honours a mother who has lost a child in service. Over the past couple of decades, these Silver Cross Mothers have included women whose sons and daughters died in the world wars, Korea, and Afghanistan, as well as Peacekeeping missions in Somalia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. This honour has also recognized mothers who have lost children after they returned from battle with PTSD. Today, the chaplains who took part in the national services in Ottawa, spoke about the continued need for tolerance and inclusiveness in order to reduce conflict large and small. Many veterans groups laid wreaths including large numbers from indigenous communities and those who were born in other countries. All sacrificed whether by giving their lives, health or time with family.

I do think of many people that I know who served -- today as well as many other days. My maternal grandfather who fought at Vimy Ridge, the cousin of my paternal grandfather who died in France less than a month before the armistice, two of my uncles, one aunt and a 'second father' who served during WWII, an uncle who fought in Korea and served with Peacekeeping forces in Cyprus, cousins who served in the Navy one who took part in the second Gulf war, a friend who served in the Armed Forces (Air Force) and with Peacekeeping forces in Egypt, and several former students who serve in reserve and regular forces. For each of these and the countless otherss that I don't know, I say thank you, thought that simple phrase seems wholly inadequate to convey what I feel.

Thinking and listening to some of the music that came from wars, I chose two more recent songs of remembrance. The first, by a Canadian singer-songwriter well known within and outside our national borders, speaks to WWI. The second song, by a group from the small town where I currently live, deals with the war in Afghanistan. Enjoy!

Remembrance Day -- Bryan Adams

Highway of Heroes -- The Trews

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