Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Day 6 - 335 -- Power in Words

Words hold power. There's a word bandied about in general conversation that can diminish the power in its meaning. Love. I love cinnamon buns. I loved the sunshine today. Ooo -- I love that song. <smile> Yet, I would posit that we tend not to use it in a more personal way nearly as often as we should. In a social media post based on the fragility and foibles of life, a good friend challenged readers to tell the people who mean something to us just how much they mean. Those someday promises we make to ourselves may never appear and the chance to say what needs to be said disappears.

I've been working at letting people know how important they are in my life. A favourite teacher who taught me much about walking through this life received a letter years ago. He still carries it with him daily. It is quite tattered, but obviously meant a lot to him. When I wrote the letter -- yes, on paper with a pen <smile> -- I just wanted him to understand the difference he'd made in my life. I had no idea the difference it would make in his. So, find a way to say what you want to say face to face, through electronic media or in print. You and the recipient will be the better for you efforts.

Lyrics of a song came to mind while pondering this topic today. These words clearly note both the casual and the deeper ways in which a word can be used. The melody and vocal delivery provide an upbeat happy way to communicate a message. I love the banjo and keyboards <wink>. NOTE:  The video is odd, distracting and out of sync with lyrics, so I suggest just listening with the screen off or eyes closed <grin>. Enjoy!

The Most -- Jon Troast

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