Friday, 27 December 2019

Day 6 - 360 -- Banality and Pedestrianism

The morning was sunny, but clouded over by the time I headed out to pay a bill. I met a friend I hadn't seen for some time as I walked through the parking lot. It was great to have a few moments to exchange the latest news and provide best wishes for the new year. I had plans to do some overdue housework when I got back to the house. I ate some lunch and then did very little of note. I did have a nap and then I made supper and washed my hair. Mudane seems an understatement <smile>. 

There is much cleaning to do and I need to get on this while I'm not working on writing projects over the next week. It is definitely time to declutter in several areas, but one at a time should help things move out or into more organized storage. The goal has been to get an extra bag or two of recycling out to the curb on pick up days once every two weeks. The larger goal is to help the house look less like a hoarders training ground. <sigh> As an adult, I moved house every 1-4 years. I have now been in the same space for 21 years. When work hours were so intense, clearing 'stuff' just didn't occur. Repurposing items and downsizing makes sense now before a move might present itself. Such physical work might help to declutter the mind, too. The key here may be finding the impetus to propel me forward into the work. <smile>

The selection for today deals with the banality or pedestrianism of routine in life. This isn't always bad, but looking around and being a bit more mindful could provide a different perspective to life. Perhaps this is why I challenge myself to do new things each year -- even small things indicate life isn't stuck in a rut. The lyrics are quite telling in this song with interesting melodic and rhythmic components. Enjoy!

The Day before You Came -- ABBA

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