Woke earlier than planned and began the household chores -- laundry and superficial cleaning. I tried to focus on a project that is to be presented early next week. I was tired, so found myself napping instead of working. I tried again after supper and got a good start on populating the outline made in my head earlier. Hopefully, tomorrow will see this completed so it can be printed on Monday. I find myself concentrating on things other than the tasks at hand -- not sure how to alter that, though. Just need some strategy to be less distracted and apply more attention to a project for shorter time periods. Taking breaks and seeing some progress might help with the degree of momentum needed. If it helped with reducing the stress level over this project, that would be good, too. <smile>
Rain began around noon today and continued into the early evening. Warmer temperatures are blowing in but will drop by end of day tomorrow. After that the forecast notes frozen precip almost daily for the next two weeks. Not huge amounts, but a steady addition to whatever has already accumulated. So, while it isn't yet past the solstice, winter is setting up residence outside my windows.
The selection for today has a wonderful message wrapped in a relaxing sound. It produces a feeling of calm for me today. Enjoy!
That's What I want for Christmas -- James Lee Stanley
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