Tuesday 10 December 2019

Day 6 - 343 -- Snow Eater

Much of interest filled my day. It began with good news from a friend -- always great to start on a good note <smile>. I headed out to discuss a major purchase with sales people. This took far longer than anticipated and still I'm no further ahead that I was when I started. So --I see more discussions and online searching in my future. Weather was a surprise as it was warmer than had been forecast -- 14C when I headed out the door in late morning. Wild. The winds overnight had managed to devour the snow and ice, leaving behind the green grass and bare ground. Rain is expected overnight and then there will be a hard freeze later in the day tomorrow accompanied by snow -- shovel-able amounts. <sigh> This will be followed on the weekend with warmer temps and more rain. It feels like a recipe for an icy winter.

Where I grew up on the Canadian prairies, there is a wind that blows from the west out of the foothills of the Rockies. The winds are called Chinooks, though local indigenous peoples referred to such winds as 'snow eaters.' I've seen the warmer winds eliminate snow piles many feet high in less than a day. It creates a form of winter thaw. If I was living in the west, I would have termed today a chinook wind. There isn't a name for this type of wind locally, though. We could just call it the 'wow' wind, since that is the reaction it provides most people.

The song today deals more with the holiday season than the weather or the events of the day. I like this newer song by a singer with a great smooth sound. Sit back, listen and relax. Enjoy!

By Christmas Eve -- John Legend

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