Friday, 20 December 2019

Day 6 - 352 -- Celebrating Together

While walking to do errands this morning and to visit a friend, I finally broke out the Christmas and holiday tunes for my ear buds. In the evening, I put up the tree -- an artificial due to allergies. It is just the tree today. I'll tackle the lights tomorrow and we'll go from there if inspired. <smile>. This part of the country has a 50:50 chance of having a white Christmas. My preference would be green, but we do get those often. This year, it is likely to be white since there is a bit of snow expected most days between now and New Years.

This week involved a lot of catching up with colleagues as their grading duties ended. With this came greetings and well wishes for the holidays and the New Year. I enjoy that part of the season. Now, my paper cards to those not online, will be New Year cards if we're lucky. I'm still working on that. As a friend noted recently, even in retirement there are only 24 hours in the day. <smile>

A song that seemed to suit the day speaks to celebrating together through song. The harmonies are wonderful. Enjoy!

The Christmas Sing-Along -- Pentatonix 

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