Thursday, 12 December 2019

Day 6 - 345 -- Sunshine and Irritations

The day was filled with many great things as well as a couple of irritations. It began with an appointment, followed by a dash to the office to type, print and scan a document that needs to be sent off today. That didn't happen as the scanner at work failed to send the e-mail to my inbox. So, when dealing with this later, I realized I have to head into the office again tomorrow to get the silly thing to send as it should have today.  Lunch involved a gathering of retirees from the campus. There were nearly 80 of us present this year for the wonderful turkey dinner and visits with people we don't see too often. This is the second luncheon I've attended and it is always lovely to chat with everyone.  After that, I met a friend for tea and a chat. Lots of laughter as usual when we are together. When I got home, I checked e-mail to see where things were with a planned purchase, only to find a flurry of messages that I felt made little sense. One clearly noted that an error had been made on the seller side and I was being asked to suck of the excess funds necessary from an inaccurate estimate. A somewhat firm no was sent and then followed by several other silly questions. By the end of the evening, I finally made a phone call to ask what it was that I still needed to do and why I was being asked this stream of questions. My suggestion for 'fixing' the problem had been accepted earlier but the questions had continued. I think things were straightened out when we hung up, but I'm not 100% certain. Just so awkward. <sigh>

The air was colder today with a deeper wind chill, but the sun made the day feel bright. The snow that fell from tree limbs created a sparkles in the air. This reminded me of the ice crystals found in the air when below -30C on the prairies -- air filled with sparkles. Despite the technology and communication snafus, I tried to focus on the positive. I did grump and felt unsettled for a while but am trying to move those feelings elsewhere. Breathe, relax and smile. Sometimes that helps. Some days, it doesn't. I think it is heading in the right direction for now.

The song for tonight has a relaxing sound. I was struck by the age of the band members -- when did that happen? <smile> Enjoy!

Christmas and You -- Los Lobos

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