Friday, 20 December 2019

Day 6 - 351 -- Fight, Flight, Freeze

 A couple of phone and e-mail messages today led to increased hovering anxiety -- like something hanging over my left shoulder just waiting to strike. We have been in flux as the landlord has been trying to sell the property. Closing should be this week, so there will be a new landlord. The lease goes with the sale, so nothing can change until next summer on the lease anniversary date. Until then, so many 'what if' questions arise that make it easier for that anxiety to hover in place. There will be a final walk through tomorrow and then things will finalized by end of the week.

When threatened in some way, we naturally head into fight, flight or freeze mode. This threat to the comfort and feeling of home feels huge. I've found recently that I tend to head to the freeze mode while my mind races wildly to the worse case scenarios. Luckily, there are people that have helped me manage such fears. It seems to be all in perspective <smile>.

While I'd love to hide and ignore such intrusions on my feelings of safety and security, that isn't the best way to deal. There is a great song, though, with lyrics that describe that need to hide. The singer is a Saskatchewanian like me, so the song does deal with cold weather events. The piano is amazing in this one. This is from the album "Songs of a Pairie Girl." <smile> Enjoy!

River by Joni Mitchell

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