Saturday, 1 February 2020

Day 7 - 26 -- Conversations from an Empath Perspective

Laundry done in mid-week instead of weekend feels odd. I spent some of the day catching up on the blogging. So far behind, I'm not sure when I'll get all the drafts turned into real posted blogs <smile>. It will happen, just need to persevere. I had two great chats with dear friends today. From these I received reassurance, support and laughter -- all things I was in need of even if I hadn't quite realized it yet.

Good friends are amazing when they know you and what you need even when you haven't figured it out yourself. How cool is that? While I speak a lot in such conversations, I am the empath with great listening skills. An empath often hears things from people that no one else knows. I've likened it to a confessional situation in some cases -- not all. This means empaths need to find some solid self care and learn to let go of some of the ugly stuff that people need to bring into the light. When in conversation with oral processors -- often extroverts -- who need to talk through their many thoughts to begin to put them order of priority, an empath -- often an introvert -- makes a good pairing. We listen as others process verbally. When I speak, I've generally given a lot of thought to all the options and what comes out is the upshot of much time and effort. It is just a different way of processing ideas and new information. It is a good thing that different processors exist or the world would be very noisy or very quiet <smile>. The mixture is a lovely balance.

One song came to mind when thinking through things today. The title fits the topic well.  (NOTE: At this point, 70 seems it should be a larger number <smile>) Enjoy!

Thinking out Loud -- Ed Sheeran

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