Friday, 28 February 2020

Day 7 - 59 -- Seasonal Changes Arrive

This morning, ice greeted me as I left the house. The porch had a very thin layer of ice left over from the freezing rain overnight. Parts of the walk to the street involved grass and mud footing, but the majority required a slow penguin walk. Once to the sidewalk, things were clear for the walk into campus. When I got home this evening, salting the remaining icy bits took precedence. I'm hoping that some will melt over the next couple of days, though more snow is forecast for the weeekend and much of next week. Not oodles all at once, mind you, but enough snow to be measurable and moved.

Throughout the day, the sky changed every few minutes. One minute there would be snow and overcast sky and then in just a couple of minutes blue sky with next to no clouds. Major winds blew the cloudy parts across the sky and moved any falling precipitation sideways. Very little accumulated, but there were moments of near white outs when snow fell briefly. By evening that calmed considerably. It truly feels like spring even with storms. The feel of the wind, smell of the air and fluctuating temps signal a seasonal change. Meteorological spring occurs this weekend -- March 1, while astronomical spring falls on the 19th of March. So -- it seems change is afoot.

A song about the changes of spring seemed apropos today.  Lyrics of the one chosen, note the hope heralded by spring changes. It encourages us to look around, see differences and understand our place in the larger change process.The singer did an amazing job with this one. Enjoy!

Season suite: Spring -- John Denver

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