Lots of things on the to do list for the week ahead. Weather is all over the place. It was sunny and well above freezing most of the day, but the overnight will see double digit temperatures below the freezing point. Mid-week should have warm temps with some rain possible, followed by extra cold days again -- though the cold will be accompanied by sun. So -- one will need to check outside before dressing for a walk this week, it seems. <smile>
An indigenous woman has been honoured with a humanitarian award to be bestowed at the Canadian Music and Broadcast Industry Awards in May. For six decades, she has been devoted to music, education, and social justice. As a music legend, her songs have had a political slant. I was privileged to see her live on campus a couple of years back, where she spoke about reconciliation. Her message clearly showed how anger would not help, and how all sides of the conversation could begin to understand each other. Energy emanated from her that evening. She is one of the many 'older' women who travel much to deliver messages of hope.
The song today is by this singer-songwriter. It was from 49 years ago, but the words still fit today. Enjoy!
Soldier Blue -- Buffy Ste. Marie
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