Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Day 7 - 43 -- Not a morning person

The big event of the day involved having my teeth cleaned before repair work starts next week. Much snow fell overnight and had begun as light and fluffy but by morning became heavier, wetter ground cover. My walk to the dental office was like walking through very wet sand -- little traction and much effort to move forward. When I got home, I moved the snow from the path to the street. It was slow work -- heavy and sticky snow glued to the gound in places -- and all with one arm. After lunch wind arrived with sow falling and blowing a bit. Some of the snow blew off branches but much is still stuck there -- looking pretty. <smile>

My afternoon work produced minimal results. One task completed and a couple of others nudged forward. I felt so tired. Early mornings are so not me -- a friend noted that it was good that I was an owl being on the east coast when we need to have a meeting -- as a lark on the west coast of the continent, our meeting times work very well. I can meet later in the day with someone just starting their day. The four hour time difference might be crippling if our locations were reversed. <smile>

A song that the concept of time fit with my trans-continental meetings as well as those within closer time zones. It also was how I felt when waking early for the morning appointment. Some days time speeds by and some days it drags along. Clocks can help to orient people to the current time, regardless of what time we think it might be. Enjoy!

Does anybody really know what time it is? -- Chicago

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