Saturday, 8 February 2020

Day 7 - 38 -- Remaining Upright

Several hours of freezing rain overnight and continued freezing drizzle this morning left the world a bit slick. I shoveled early yesterday, so that two to three inches that fell later remained. That was deliberate. With an inch of ice on top of the snow, the snow underneath would provide some tractionable material for walking. On the porch, I stomped through the top layer -- an action that made the most amazing sounds of shattering glass -- very musical. <smile>. Once down the stairs, I stomped my way out to the sidewalk. Luckily the plow had not gone by yet, so there was some slush in areas that gave more ability to walk well.

I decided just after opening the front door that the goal for today was to remain upright. Walking carefully on the icy sidewalks meant watching where my feet were being placed, moving slowly and ensuring the centre of gravity was over my feet and not behind them as is usual on dry surfaces. This took much care and attention, but it worked; I did not fall. The workshop material today was intense. It felt a bit less stressful since the group familiarity brought a sense of comfort. Along with the lecture material were many discussions and several small group activities. The need to ensure self care after covering challenging topics in this mental health first aid course became clear last week. I felt a bit more prepared to deal with things this week. I met friends and went for supper at the pub to catch up on their news of the week. In the evening, a good talk with a dear friend helped me to decompress. All of this helped me to remain upright emotionally, not unlike physically walking on the ice. Cool!

The selection for today deals with another aspect of being upright that came into play when speaking with friends today. Enjoy!

Stand Up for Something -- Andra Day ft. Common

goal to remain upright -- ice and emotions

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