Saturday, 15 February 2020

Day 7 - 45 -- Celebrating Canadian Songwriters

A truly frosty morning greeted me today. A colleague from home said she thought of me today when the temperature dropped. It is cold like Saskatchewan cold today -- high of -10C that dropped into late evening to closer to -20C with feel like temperatures at least 10 degrees colder. There was a bit of blue sky and lighter cloud cover -- so almost sunny during the day. It cleared well by evening with stars quite visible for a change.

A friend and I went to a fund raiser for the summer live theatre season. The plays were announced yesterday along with the actors from here and away. It looks like an interesting mix. The event tonight included a silent auction and an evening of musical performance by local talents. The theme of the evening was Joni loves Leonard, which included some of the well known standards of these two talented Canadian songwriters. I was pleased to hear many wonderful less well known songs. The house was sold out for this Valentine's Day event.

The selections for today come from those covered this evening. The first song contains a favourite line about imperfections -- "there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." The second song has been recorded by several artists, but I chose one by the songwriter to share today. This one deals with the passage of time. Enjoy!

Anthem -- Leonard Cohen

Circle Game -- Joni Mitchell

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