Thursday, 29 December 2022

9-363 (29/12/22) -- Folk Legend Loss

The world was covered in white from a dusting of snow that fell overnight. I went for a few groceries and found some fun vegetables. We get  gai lan rarely and they had only six bags so I almost overlooked it while searching for Shanghai bok choy, which wasn't there at all this week. Then tucked in behind the mushrooms were packages of Japanese eggplant. I enjoy both of these and look forward to cooking them for New Year's day. 

I went for two walks to pharmacies -- one before supper and one after. Temperatures hovered around freezing most of the day with very little breeze. The air was refreshing but the ground on one of the hills was a tad slippery in a couple of places as the water froze after sunset. This weekend is to be warmer than usual with a lot of rain. The temperature alone will erase the bit of white that covers the ground at present.

Canada lost a folk legend today. Ian Tyson, an amazing songwriter and singer died at age 89 years. He sang with his former wife Sylvia in his early career. His song Four Strong Winds is iconic and closes the Edmonton Folk Music Festival annually. It also opened the 1988 Winter Olympic Games in Calgary, though he sang it there with Gordon Lightfoot. In Tyson's honour, I share this song tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Four Strong Winds -- Ian Tyson

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

9-362 (28/12/22) -- Need to Walk

A light dusting of snow fell during the day. I cleared it off theh porches and stairs -- not much physical activity involved there, but it was good to get out in the fresh air -- even if it felt a tad cool. I did some housework and spent time searching on line in preparation for a future resarch trip. Weariness and sinus pain made me feel less able to focus on a lot of things that need to be done this week. A good phone chat with a friend helped me see a brighter side of the day. We made plans to get together later this week for a homemade meal. 

Getting out of the house even if just to push a skiff of snow off the walkways often helps with mood changes. Walking helps reduce some of the stress and can boost mood with an endorphin release. Getting to the point of suiting up to go out in the colder weather takes more effort than just putting on shoes and heading out that can be done in warmer weather. I have some shopping to do ths week, so that will get me out and walking a bit more. 

When I go walking in the winter, I wear my hikers. I love the way they support my ankles and feel snug and warm. This had me thinking of a song, of course. The first line of the chorus came to mind <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

These Boots are Made for Walking -- Nancy Sinatra

9-361 (27/12/22) -- Togetherness

Temperatures were just below freezing during the day with bits of snow in the air. Very little was left on the ground,  at least. I walked out to get some milk and encountered friends i hadn't seen in several years. It was fun to have a quick chat as we went about our shopping errands. While at the store for milk, I encounterd a neighbour's daughter and had a bit of a chat. We were joined by her sister and mother after a few moments and all had a laugh or two. I enjoyed seeing that people I encountered had gotten home for Christmas with their parents. 

Christmas is often billed as a time to be with family. While I do spend time with good friends, who are family by choice, it can be difficult to hear the repeated expectations that everyone is traveling to be together with family for this day. Granted, many people across Canada and the US could not travel due to the major storms this year, though that doesn't make things feel any better. 

The selection today speaks to the support we get from those close to us -- and the reciprocity in these relationships. It goes both ways. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Bridge over Troubled Water -- Simon and Garfunkel


9-360 (26/12/22) -- Boxing Day

It was quiet day. I had a slight sinus headache and some dizziness today. TV marathons had most of my attenteion. The big outing for the day was to take the recycling to the curb. It felt cold for the walks up and back the lengthy driveway twice. 

Today is a holiday here -- Boxing Day. Its roots lie in a social hierarchy system. On this day, servants received a gift from their employers -- hence the box -- and often had the day off to visit with family on the day after Christmas. I've used one song often on blogs for this day, but this year I chose a different one. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Black Superman -- Johnny Wakelin

Monday, 26 December 2022

9-359 (25/12/22) -- Holiday Treats

The day began quietly with a movie and timre finishing a veggie dish for dinner with friends tonight. I made 'spinach Madelaine', a delightful dish from New Orleans. I highly recommed you look up a recipe online. Some are very involved and others are a bit simple. All I've seen would be fantastic. When I make it I use red bell pepper to show a lovely green and red dish for the Christmas table. The spicy cheese makes this dish for me. I use habanero cheddar, but  any cheese would work for those who don't enjoy the heat. 

The evening was spent with friends some of whom I hadn't seen since 2019 for the annual Christmas dinner. We had a wonderful evening with great foods, wonderful conversation, and laughter. The weather cooperated with cooler temperatures with light winds only. The sidewalks were mostly clear of ice from the rain yesterday, so I walked up to dinner and walked back home later in the evening. The sky was cloudy so stars weren't visible, but the lights on homes along the way added a sense of calm to the walk. 

The song shared today is a new Christmas song released this year by a Canadian artist. I thought it might be fun to share something new to the annual holiday songs used in this blog. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Let's Get Christmas Going -- Bryan Adams

Sunday, 25 December 2022

9-358 (24/12/22) -- Memories

Sunshine arrived by late morning with some residual clouds and wind. I checked the yard and found the storm passed with only a few twig-sized branches to clear up. Laundry and cooking for tomorrow occupied most of the afternoon and early evening.  

I had time today to think through Christmas Eve memories. As a child, we spent Christmas Eve at my maternal grandmother's. It was a smaller gathering than Christmas Day at my dad's parents' home. Music was a big part of the holiday. One of Dad's favourites was Gene Autry with Up on the Rooftop and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. We often watched movies  like Dicken's A Christmas Carol in it's many iterations. I prefer the version with Alistair Simm. Mom's fave was It's a Wonderful Life and Dad's was White Christmas (filled with great music). My new favourite, Love, Actually, also contains some great music within a story of many intertwined lives. 

I have been trying to catch many of the older Christmas movies and musical specials over the past week and listening to Christmas songs a  lot. The selection today is a cover of a well known song. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Santa Claus is Coming to Town -- Bruce Springsteen

Saturday, 24 December 2022

9-298 (25/10/22) -- X-Ray Day

The outing for Wednesday took me to the hospital for an xray of the plate placed in my forearm seven years ago. One area has been creating some discomfort. I found it amusing that the MD possibly could call me and tell me I have a screw loose. <grin> The tech showed me the images -- doesn't look like anything is loose to me, but I'm not a radiologist -- so I'll leave that to the experts to declare. 

I've got an odd little song from a musical to share today. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Screw Loose -- from Broadway musical Cry Baby

Friday, 23 December 2022

9-357 (23/12/22) -- Blowin' a Gale

The day began with an early errand that I forgot yesterday. I got the 'go bag' stuff prepped and brought in the outside wreath. I secured the compost bin behind the house so it doesn't fall over or go walkabout like it has in the past. As the wind began to arrive in the afternoon, I busied myself with making stew and dumplings. It was very yummy. 

From supper onwards, the winds have been strengthening -- as determined by the volume of the gusts. I hope power remains or at least doesn't stay off too long. The house is all electric heat, so winter power outages are more unwelcome than those in the summer. The worst of the winds are expected from 9 PM (now) to about 2 AM. They suggest these might be close to 80-85 kph (50+ mph). 

The selection tonight sounds like someone offering to help keep warm. <smirk>  Seemed like a perfect song for the weather today. I love the video with the three instruments being played by the same person.  Keep safe. Enjoy!

I'll be Your Santa Tonight -- Keith Urban


9-356 (22/12/22) -- Altered Holiday Plans

It was a lovely day today -- blue sky with cooler temperatures and very little wind. It felt good to see sun and sky after a week of greyness. It won't last more than today, though, as a big storm is coming our way tomorrow. I have been charging electronics and planning what to pack in the 'go bag'. I will cook a few things that will be good without re-heating or will make reasonable sandwiches should we lose power. By bedtime I realized I'd forgotten to pick up two somethings when out today, so will head out earlier tomorrow before the weather becomes awful. The storm is messing with holiday travel plans for many people. I will be going up the hill -- a 20-30 minute walk, and things should be less frightful by then. Tomorrow we expect lots of rain here and strong wind gusts that may create downed power lines. Crews have been readying to restore any outages over the holiday weekend -- meaning they won't be with their families much like others unable to travel. 

The selection today is one that I looked forward to hearing every year. The artist sang this on Letterman annually. The video shared is from the last performance there. Keep in mind she was 73 at the time -- so age doesn't mean we can't still do things well from the floor or on top of the grand piano. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Christmans (baby come home) -- Darlene Love

9-355 (21/12/22) -- Reversal of Light

There is a huge storm headed this way and it is or sill affect most of the continent with other storms on the western side creating holiday travel havoc, too. Today was filled with deadlines. Galley proofs had to return to the editor. Review of an online resource document chapter was needed by the authors. The annual Christmas letter -- which became a year end letter -- needed to be composed and printed, so I can get some ready to mail when pickup begins again next week. There were a few errands necessary to get things in order for this weekend. 

The winter solstice arrived today. The shortest day and the longest night bring a change. After today the days will get longer again. A collegaue calls this 'Optimist's Day' <grin>. I find that even a minute or two more of daylight is a move in the right direction. It has been celebrated for millennia as a time of rebirth, renewal and growth. A song that fits this reversal or change is shared here. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Ring Out, Solstice Bells -- Jethro Tull

9-354 (20/12/22) -- Holiday Focus

A morning meeting with a colleague and friend helped with working back into research writing. We discussed research work and found a couple of positive things for the writing process. I then went to get groceries and fill the car with gasoline. It would be less busy today as it will as the week progresses. Not only is there a holiday and a day when the store is closed, but a big storm is headed this way, too.  

I had another negative experience with the points system at the grocery store today. The system failed to provide anything this week, not just the member pricing that has been the difficulty twice in the past month. This is geting silly -- and oh so frustrating. When I have an hour, I'll call and sit on hold to express my dismay. <grump> Or, I may try to find a live chat or place to write my complaint on their website. 

This rainy day ended with a visit to the physio. The achilles and lower back were still acting up, though not linked in any way. It feels better for now, but that has been the pattern. I'd like to have less pain going into the Christmas weekend. I chose a song to share today that speaks to some of the good aspects of the holiday season -- the small things to focus on. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

It's Christmas All Over Again - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Thursday, 22 December 2022

9-353 (19/12/22) -- Being Charitable

The day began with a couple of errands on Main Street. The major outing involved the annual eye exam. I walked since they always dilate my pupils. It is a 30 minute walk from the house. There was a touch of wind and some spitting rain on the way out and next to no wind or rain on the walk home. I was pleased that there would be no bright sun to contend with this year, recognizing that the sun would set before my trip home. Well -- Walking home in the dark with dilated pupils was a first and to be honest, it is easier to see what is going on around you with sun than in the dark. It was a bit of a challenge. 

Twice today cars tried to drive into the crosswalk as I crosssed streets with the walk lights -- once with light and one with only bright streetlights directly above me. I've had at least four incidents like this in the past week or so. Even when drivers see me, they tend to roll ahead or try to quickly turn in front of me. It seems to be all about their desire to get somewhere 10 seconds sooner. Crazy! I have one smaller light for walking at night and will get more when I'm at that store next, but those are no guarantee either sadly. 

I chose to share a song that made me feel more charitable than I did when shouting and waving my arms at drivers today -- only to realize that I wasn't wearing a mask so they could clearly lipread <grin>.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

9-352 (18/12/22) -- Hopes and Dreams

It has been another grey, dismal day outside. Inside I did some editing work and watched televised music programming while listening to the rain outside. A plus to this weather is that the remaining snow is slowly leaving. Oodles of mud takes the place of snow. <smile>  It has been a very weary day. I slept last night but not restfully. There was a lot of tossing and turning. The cause might be the lengthy list of things with deadlines in the next few days and the soreness caused by the lower back issue. I will see the physio early this week to deal with that. 

I had lots of time today to let my mind wander. It seemed to settle on a variety of ideas or future hopes. The selection today addresses many dreams or hopes for the future that rise during reflection -- especially at this time of year. Many covers of this one exist, so I've chosen one not used in the blog before. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Someday at Christmas -- LeAnn Rimes


9-351 (17/12/22) -- Peaceful lullaby

It is another cloudy day. I walked to Main Street to pick up bread and muffins. At home I did the usual Saturday stuff  -- cleaning and laundry. <smile>.  The lower back pain returned with a vengence today, so I will be going back to the physio at the beginning of the week. It has been a long time since this has flared up, and the cause is unclear. I did move snow, but the pain was there before the snow fell this week. 

I feel I need a lullaby to help me sleep as it will be difficult to get comfortable at night, I fear. I find the chosen selection to be soothing and peaceful. I share two versions of this piece. the first is from an albumwith five versioons done as independent tracks. I enjoy them all, but restrained myself and will share just one. Seek out the others as they are lovely. The second version comes from an unlikely place and group of singers. NOTE: This video has a few glitches in it, but the only other one I found had been overdubbed in another language. Keep safe, Enjoy!  

Dona Nobis Pacem -- YoYo Ma 

Dona Nobis Pacem -- cast of MASH

9-350 (16/12/22) -- Finding a Holiday Mood

I mailed another parcel today but it will likely miss delivery for Christmas. I used a prepaid mailing box after being told how much a padded envelope would cost. The box was actually less for the same weight and larger space. Goofy. I had a nice chat with a friend and then headed to a late afternoon appointment with the physio. The achilles tendon flared up a couple of days ago and feels worse than it has ever felt before. I hope the treatment will get that under control soon. 

My day ended with a wonderful supper out with a friend. It was relaxing and enjoyable to be out again.  We had a great time chatting. We even split a dessert tonight. Yummy! The dining room was full when we arrived, but thinned out quickly since others had started earlier. I'm feeling a bit more comfortable being in a restaurant as long as the tables are well spaced. 

The selection shared to tonight came to mind when I was thinking that the holidays made it easier to get out for a meal with friends. These commensal times also help to put me into a holiday mood. I will work to keep the process moving into the new year. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Step into Christmas -- Elton John

Sunday, 18 December 2022

9-349 (15/12/22) -- Changing Weather

The day was cloudy and windy. Temperatures were above freezing. The combinatin of being a few degrees abover freezing with major wind helped much snow disappear. There is still lots out there, though. If it rains as has been forecast, it will turn the big piles to ice, but may move more from the ground. Luckily, the ground isn't frozen yet, so the melting and rain create mud instead of ice. We'll see what transpires with the next storm in a few days. 

I received a lot of things that need to be done soon-ish. A publication wants several promotional bits for a publication in prep for the January issue of the journal. A peer review of a submitted manuscript for a different journal will need to be completed during the holidays to meet the deadline just after New Years. Lots of cool things to look through and search for information for a larger research project. So, not much happening for a very logn time and then everything arrived at once this week. Go figure. <smile>. 

I am trying to focus on moments of peace and calm to help me get through the tasks in front of me. Music helps that. I chose a song today that deals with peace. It is an old one, but one that is part of any holiday mix I make. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Peace on Earth -- Bing Crosby and David Bowie

9-348 (14/12/22) -- SNOW!!!


The grand cleanup began this morning. I cleared porch and small sidewalk and then left the rest for later in the afternoon. I headed to campus for the annual retiree Christmas luncheon, hosted by the president. It is a lovely turkey dinner and a fantastic time to see people that I don't run into on campus any more. The last luncheon was in 2019, so this was extra special today. I masked except when eating as did a handful of others. It made me smile today. I sat with a couple people I knew from Education and we were joined by the head of Finance, the incoming VP Advancement and the new Academic VP. That was an interesting grouping, but there was much common ground for conversation. 

I walked to campus and back and things were fairly clear except getting out of my yard to the street. That involved wading through knee deep snow and some areas that were deeper than that. Once back home, I cleared a path out the driveway -- about 100 feet -- through 10-12 inches of snow with a few areas covered in deeper drifts. Tomorrow, I will do the back porch and side of the house. I will do some clean up after the plow guy comes by -- either tonight or tomorrow. The car will take another 30+ minutes to clear the foot of snow resting there. Clearing off the car also means clearing off the ground again <smile>. With a large storm like this, it generally takes three days to clear all the walk- and driveway. I do it a bit at a time rather than overtaxing the body <grin>. 

Shoveling is far from my favourite task, nor is winter my favourite season. <smile> I found a way to manage the work load. I often listen to music or spend time pondering. The latter involves talking to myself behind the scarf. That helps me gauge if I'm working too hard and getting short of breath. I shold be able to talk and shovel. I'm sure the neighbours wonder what I'm up to, but recognize that I mumble and talk to myself a lot. Wearing a mask helps cover this when in public at times <grin> 

The song may be a bit negative in tone, but it done tougue in cheek. It makes me smile, even when shoveling snow. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Hate the Frigging Snow -- Fishing God Productions


Tuesday, 13 December 2022

9-347 (13/12/22) -- As the Storm Passes

What a windy day complete with blowing snow. What fell overnight and until noon today was wet and not going anywhere with the wind. My guess put the snow layer at 8-10 cm (3-4 inches). I shoveled the snow on the front porch, sidewalk and walkway to the street. The wind blew frozen pellets into my face acting like a facial peel <smile>. More time out in the snow will happen as things taper this evening. If early enough, I will do this today and if not, it will be on tomorrow's list. The forecast shows another 10+ cm (4 inches) may arrive in the next 12 hours or so. 

Between bouts of searching online, I placed another wreath and some inside door hangers. Just so it looks a tad more festive. I then put the lights on the tree. Evening out the distribution of lights takes more patience than I often have. Today I managed to get things good enough for now -- or maybe for the time the tree is up. Other decorations may or may not go up. We'll see. I really enjoy seeing the lights in the corner of the living room. The furry one enjoys hiding and sleeping under the lower hanging branches (artificial tree so nothing to worry about there). The tree brought a peaceful moment or two compared to the storm blowing outside the window -- something calming to look at instead of the rain and ice covered windows. 

A friend reminded me today of a song by another friend. The lyrics fit well with my hall decking this afternoon. The melody isn't what one expects. Very cool take on a couple of old standards. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Deck the Halls with Sugar Plum Faeries -- James Lee Stanley

Monday, 12 December 2022

9-346 (12/12/22) -- Wants & Wishes

The day began with an appointment that didn't get me too far with the vaccine sourcing. <sigh> Communication between players in the health system is abysmal. Once this gets to the end, which hopdfully is a flu vaccine in my arm -- I will write a chronology of the past 6 weeks -- so far. It will go to many levels in the system. There is no one person who seems to have dropped the ball on this one, just a lot of people who have one small piece or no pieces to the greater puzzle. 

Weather forecasts sound dire. A storm front is heading this way. Much of it lies over the Atlantic, but the storm will retrograde and head west to create a mess in the Atlantic provinces. This will be slow moving. It will begin overnight with most of the snow and wind coming through the day tomorrow and then tapering overnight. Forecasts lean towards about 20ish cm (8 inches) with winds at 55 kph (35 mph) gusting to 85 kph (52 mph). So, the shovels are at the ready for the heavy wet snow that will arrrive. I moved the meeting for tomorrow afternoon to today due to the oncoming storm. One of our resource librarians provided some guideance on search strategies and documentation that should help me to work through some of the archived documents that I need to find for the research project. So, I"m hoping for a less intense storm and a way to manage the search results. <smile> 

I also sent a couple of gift suggestions to a family member. A group of us draw names each year. The list is meagre at best <smile>, but it contains two ideas that are related peripherally -- and a gift card to one store could work for either item. This 'list' is very different than the ones I made as a child. Those were much longer. Not that I expected to get everything on the list, but there were many things that interested me. Also, I didn't want to know what was under the tree and lengthier lists meant that the surprise factor would remain. <smile> Lyrics of the song chosen for today present an adult view of the holiday wishes. This version is performed by a Canadian singer with a wide vocal range. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

A Grown Up Christmas List -- Michael Buble

Sunday, 11 December 2022

9-245 (11/12/22) -- Christmas Past

It was quiet day. I worked to get some blogs caught up, taking breaks in between to keep the vertigo at bay. I made nice homestyle supper of meatloaf, baked potato, baked sweet potato and fieldberry crisp. I hoped to get more done, but slow seemed to be the only pace for the day. 

While searching for christmas cards, I found an advent calendar from some time ago. It tells the story of the Nutcracker. I brought it upstairs and am using it this year again. I love this ballet. The staging can be so cool. A tree that grow 30 feet when the dream state takes over is quite spectacular as are the exciting costumes for all the lands visited by Clara and the prince. When unemployed just after training completed, I sewed many of the characters using scrap pieces of material from my and my mother's stashes. They were fun to make and were certainly a sanity save over those many months. While living in Toronto for training, I went to the National Ballet production -- the first one I saw. It was magical. So, the advent calendar and tree ornaments remind me of that experience. 

Needless to say, the selection for today comes from the ballet. I know that I used one of the many themes just recently, but this one is a favourite -- and likely is familiar to many. The artists for this one are another favourite and very talented group. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy -- Pentatonix

9-344 (10/12/22) -- Decoration Begun

While doing the usual laundry today, I put up the Christmas tree. It will sit for a day or two before the lights go up. From there, I'll see what other decorations will be added. The indoor wreaths and galands were schlepped up the stairs as were lights and cards (which will be so late this year <sigh>). Getting the lights on the tree is my next step. I love having the lights on at night. They can be so calming. So, just a bit more stress to wind them around the tree and then the peacefulness should ensue. <smile> Maybe that task will be done tomorrow the next day at the latest. 

I chose a song that notes how the decorations can lift spirits. That is how I feel. I only put up what I choose to rather than feeling the need to put everything up every year. Sometimes as Mies van der Rohe stated, "more is less." <smile> The same goes for baking. Some years I make lots and some years I make very little. It just depends on timing and what will fit.This version is by a wonderful actress who we lost earlier this year. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

We Need a Little Christmas -- Angela Lansbury

9-343 (9/11/22) -- Local Chocolate

The day filled with errands. I walked out to get bread, stopped at the bank for a calendar, and mailed another gift. Doing the latter one at a time helps ease the shock at the cost of shipping this year. Crazy! I stopped at the new chocolate shop that opened this morning with the grand opening tomorrow. They were prepping for tomorrow and the place looks amazing. It has great light and a lovely etched window. I spoke with the local designer to tell him how inviting and warm the light was. The decor is understated but has an elegant feel. It was so nice to see the family business exand the retail outlet in town. This family were refugees from Syria who arrived here over several months about six years ago. This business began with a small gardening shed sized building where one man made the molded chocolages. The product line expanded to many types of bars and now to hand made artisinal chocolates that are so gorgeous. The factory and business in town employs around 100 people. Anyone who knows me might wonder why I frequent this shop. I don't eat chocolate, but I buy it for people who do <smile> Though, there is their Gold Bar which is white chocolate with caramel that is very yummy. <smile> 

In the afternoon, I went up to campus to return the external camera on loan. I did some bits of printing and made an appointment for next week to discuss research process with a resource librarian. I'm trying to get my head back in the game. At the end of the day, I was tired. Feeling yucky this week left me a bit cranky, tired and frustrated that things that have approaching deadlines didn't move forward this week as planned. I keep telling myself that it wasn't due to my negligence or procrastination -- well, not this time <sigh>.  I know I need to take my own advice and be kind to myself. Working on it. <smile>

I chose to share a melody that may not be as recognized as others from the larger work. The Nutcracker Suite performs around the world at this time of year. Years ago I saw it performed by the National Ballet of Caanda -- stunning. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Chocolate (Spanish Dance) from Nutcracker) -- The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 

9-342 (8/12/22) -- Dedicated to Peace

Today I had my annual lab visit and an appointment with the physio to deal with ongoing soreness. I still feel dizzy with screen use, so only spent a short time checking for important messages. The blog then is short again. I'll admit feeling rather old and decrepit today <sigh>. Too many things poking at me -- literally and figuratively. <smile>  I'm working to find a bit of peace and calm. 

Forty-two years ago John Lennon died. I still remember hearing this news via the television. I felt alone in my grief as I was living with my parents again at that point in my career -- unemployed for 18 months. I admired his focus on advocating for peace -- sometimes in very unique ways that got attention of many sectors of society. The selection shared today is an example of Lennon's dedication to this message. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Happy Xmas/War is Over -- John Lennon ft. Yoko Ono and The Harlem Community Choir

9-341 (7/12/22) -- Time with a Friend

I took things easy today as there was some residual light-headedness. My appetite returned since there was less dizziness. My main outing today was supper with a friend. One of our restaurants does two Indian entrees each Wednesday evening. One contains meat and the other is vegetarian. Tonight they offered a buter chicken and a black lentil curry. These came as either regular or spicy. We chose the latter. The spice was noticeable, but didn't overpower the other flavours. Very yummy. This was my first visit to enjoy these dishes and it won't be my last. <smile> 

I chose to share one of my favourite songs from this time of year. It contains wonderful harmonies in an a capella format. I've introduced this to many people, most of whom are surprised at the artist group involved. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Riu Chiu -- The Monkees

9-340 (6/12/22) -- Off Kilter

I was outside briely today when I headed to the second grocery store in town to get a few things not at the store I was at yesterday. Most things were there. Got a great deal on extra lean ground beef at less than half price. I spent those savings (plus more) on two smallish chunks of cheese -- Wensleydale with cranberries and manchego. Both of those were about $2 more than they were last year. I also got a wreath for the front door -- actually beside the door just below the outside light. A new load of wreaths had just arrived, so I got my pick of ribbon colours. There were odd shades of gold that looked unimpressive and two reds that looked a bit tacky. Then he pulled out one from the bottom of the pile -- a red and green plaid design. Gorgeous! It looks lovely on the front of the house. I also found an order box on the front porch when I got home. The due date was still a week away. The company may do this to keep us all happy at getting things 'early' -- hmm -- a conspiracy theory of sorts. <grin> 

While out, I realized that the slight dizzy feeling I'd had last night was worse today -- felt like vertigo, which hasn't bothered me for some time. So, I took some meds and went to bed. I ate little, but did feel well enough to do some soup and rolls in the evening. I did no online visits today as screen work can be one of the triggers of the dizzy feeling -- it is all visual input. <sigh> 

The song today was chosen due to the artist's name and the holiday theme -- and the pun of sorts in the title, of course. What can I say? I was feeling a bit loopy today. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dizzy Heights -- Christmas Rappin' 

Saturday, 10 December 2022

9-339 (5/12/22) -- Intangible Gifts

I spend much of the day, focusing on goals -- the small day-to-day things and the larger 'what do I want to be when I grow up' type of goals. I dealt with some super short term ones by getting a few grocers. Not all items were available there, so I'll check store #2 tomorrow. I headed out for a walk around sunset to see and hear the grows as they gathered at the edge of campus tonight. Listening to them made me smile. The first gift parcel was mailed this morning. I purposely headed to the postal kiosk before noon to avoid the larger crowds. The lineup was six ahead of me and by the time I got to the ocunter, there were six behind me. It was study, but the lunch hour would have been far busier, I expect. As I left the store, I passed a couple of people as I carrying parcels to mail.

I chose a song that speaks to the wrapped gifts and to those that can't be wrapped. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Give Love on Christmas Day -- The Jackson 5

Sunday, 4 December 2022

9-338 (4/12/22) -- Far Away Friends

The sunny morning gave way to total 'grey-out' with cloud by just after midday. I was in the kitchen with blindingly bright sun at 1 PM and 10 minutes later full cloud cover arrived. My planned afternoon walk in the sunshine disappeared. I did walk out after dark to pick up supper. I finished laundry today and even did some wrapping of gifts that need to get into the mail system very soon. There is still some work to be done there, but at least is got started. I'd like to deliver these in person, but will have to rely on the postal systems. I even did some work on household account files that have been sitting there for over a week. So, all in all, the day was productive. Cool, eh? 

The song shared today features a Newfoundlander. The lyrics focus on togetherness -- a theme of the holiday season. If we aren't together in person, we are together in spirit and with virtual online platforms. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Merry Christmas Everyone -- Sean McCann

Saturday, 3 December 2022

9-337 (3/12/22) -- Prioritize the List

The day began with bright sunshine but heavy cloud moved in during the afternoon. Temperatures have been rising through the day and are expected to continue this trajectory into the over night. A rainy system is moving in for tomorrow. My outing for the day was a nice walk during which I picked up some eggs. Saturday chores undertaken were nothing out of the ordinary. I did get a few kitchen and bathroom seasonal linens out this afternoon. It is a start. <smile> I hope to get several other decorative items out over the next two or three days. Some gifts need to be packaged to get into the mail early in the week, too. 

Setting priorities can be a challenge. Tasks that sound small really aren't. Gift wrapping a few things at a time may appear simple, but can take more than the 30-60 minutes expected <smile>. This is nothing new. My idea of how long things take is always overly optimistic. It seems I haven't learned even after all these years. There's a saying about that but I will just ignore it for now. <grin>. The song notes that sometimes the expectations for the holiday season can be just like my plans -- overly ambitious. Things do get done as we set our priorities. The lyrics seem to reflect too much to do and perhaps a bit of burn out. Some people will feel that way, but should ot chastise themselves. Prioritize the things you want to do and let some of the others go. It's OK. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Christmas Wrapping -- The Waitresses 

9-336 (2/12/22) -- First of the Season

The day had a cooler wintery feel. There were some sunny breaks between clouds but with the lower angle of the sun at this time of year, it was almost blinding when I was out walking. I walked up to campus to attend a small holiday gathering. I wore my mask most of the time, but did take it off to try a couple of the goodies -- wonderful Wensleydale cheese with blueberries, homemade bread, a spicy borscht and a fairly decent shortbread. Yum. Heading home, it felt slightly warmer, likely due to less wind. The crows were gathering along the brook. They have a different roosting spot every day. When gathered, there are many raucous conversations. I imagine they are communicating about their days adventures. These creatures communicate where to meet each day and can let others know where they've encountered someone trying to shoo them away. For the latter, they have long memories. A friend had them dropping stones at his head whenever he wore the hat he'd worn while trying to remove them in a slightly physical manner. They did not forget. By the same token, some individuals and groups will remember people who leave them little gifts of shiny objects and in some cases will return the favour with a different item left for the gift giver. 

I miss walking home every evening as the crows gather and begin their chats. I may have to go for my walks around sunset so I can walk by the larger area where they roost. They do make me smile. I chose a song covered by a Canadian artist and released in the past couple of months. The lyrics present people coming together -- much like we did today. There are other gatherings planned for the next few weeks, but this one was the first this year. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Christmas Time -- Bryan Adams

9-335 (1/12/22) -- Safely Through the Storm

December has arrived. The wind was wild overnight. I could hear things banging around in the neighbourhood. No major tree limbs down in the yard. I just picked up the few small twigs, which took about 10 minutes. Often this takes 30 to 60 minutes and provides a good workout. Today, not so much. That is good <smile>. The large compost bin was blown over and moved about a meter from its usual place beside one of the yews. I picked up the contents that had spilled out and got it resettled at its usual home base. I suspect some of the banging I heard was this bin moving around in the night. No loss of power occurred here. Some areas of the county, west and further east experienced outages. PEI has power outages and the fixed link was closed when winds in the Northumberland Strait topped out at over 120 km/h (75 mph) earlly this morning. The power company says power will be restored to most customers by tonight. The ground is saturated with many ponds appearing where depressions in the land exist.  Things outside my window in early afternoon were partly sunny with next to no wind or rain.

With the arrival of December, I revert to the original social media posts that were the forebeare of this blog. I try to fit a holiday song with the thoughts of the day, but sometimes there will be a memory or reason behind the choice for the day. Today the song title resonates both with the storm last night and the new month. It isn't a holiday tune. The rest of the lyrics are definitely not about the main ponderings of today <grin>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

December 1963 (Oh What a Night) -- Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons

9-334 (30/11/22) -- Preparations

Big winds are expected overnight with huge rain. I really dislike wind. Rain I can handle -- to a point. This time around it will be about 25 mm (1 inch) or so. I'm prepared for a short power outage should something fall on power lines in the forest or in town. Temperatures are climbing, so will be well above freezing. With electric heat only, that is a good thing. An extra comforter on the bed will help with warmth. So, I'm as ready as I can be. 

Today finally saw the replacement of the camera in the laptop. I've held onto the external loaner until next week - just in case. Trust can be a big issue for me and this is part of what may be holding me back on a number of tasks. I'm not sure if it is lack of trust in me to do the things, or that I don't trust others or the systems involved to move my efforts forward. I suspect it is a smidgeon of the former and huge dose of the latter. <smile> For the writing tasks that I have waiting for my attention, I need to get a schedule in place for writing and practice getting out of my head to just write. Once I get a groove, things usually go well. 

Lyrics from a song fit with the concept of 'just do it' for writing and other tasks. I have included the original and an amazing cover version. The melody for this one is relaxing -- something that might get me started as well as remain calmer during the storm. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Across the Universe -- The Beatles

Across the Universe -- Fiona Applegate