Friday, 23 December 2022

9-357 (23/12/22) -- Blowin' a Gale

The day began with an early errand that I forgot yesterday. I got the 'go bag' stuff prepped and brought in the outside wreath. I secured the compost bin behind the house so it doesn't fall over or go walkabout like it has in the past. As the wind began to arrive in the afternoon, I busied myself with making stew and dumplings. It was very yummy. 

From supper onwards, the winds have been strengthening -- as determined by the volume of the gusts. I hope power remains or at least doesn't stay off too long. The house is all electric heat, so winter power outages are more unwelcome than those in the summer. The worst of the winds are expected from 9 PM (now) to about 2 AM. They suggest these might be close to 80-85 kph (50+ mph). 

The selection tonight sounds like someone offering to help keep warm. <smirk>  Seemed like a perfect song for the weather today. I love the video with the three instruments being played by the same person.  Keep safe. Enjoy!

I'll be Your Santa Tonight -- Keith Urban


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