Sunday, 18 December 2022

9-349 (15/12/22) -- Changing Weather

The day was cloudy and windy. Temperatures were above freezing. The combinatin of being a few degrees abover freezing with major wind helped much snow disappear. There is still lots out there, though. If it rains as has been forecast, it will turn the big piles to ice, but may move more from the ground. Luckily, the ground isn't frozen yet, so the melting and rain create mud instead of ice. We'll see what transpires with the next storm in a few days. 

I received a lot of things that need to be done soon-ish. A publication wants several promotional bits for a publication in prep for the January issue of the journal. A peer review of a submitted manuscript for a different journal will need to be completed during the holidays to meet the deadline just after New Years. Lots of cool things to look through and search for information for a larger research project. So, not much happening for a very logn time and then everything arrived at once this week. Go figure. <smile>. 

I am trying to focus on moments of peace and calm to help me get through the tasks in front of me. Music helps that. I chose a song today that deals with peace. It is an old one, but one that is part of any holiday mix I make. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Peace on Earth -- Bing Crosby and David Bowie

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