The grand cleanup began this morning. I cleared porch and small sidewalk and then left the rest for later in the afternoon. I headed to campus for the annual retiree Christmas luncheon, hosted by the president. It is a lovely turkey dinner and a fantastic time to see people that I don't run into on campus any more. The last luncheon was in 2019, so this was extra special today. I masked except when eating as did a handful of others. It made me smile today. I sat with a couple people I knew from Education and we were joined by the head of Finance, the incoming VP Advancement and the new Academic VP. That was an interesting grouping, but there was much common ground for conversation.
I walked to campus and back and things were fairly clear except getting out of my yard to the street. That involved wading through knee deep snow and some areas that were deeper than that. Once back home, I cleared a path out the driveway -- about 100 feet -- through 10-12 inches of snow with a few areas covered in deeper drifts. Tomorrow, I will do the back porch and side of the house. I will do some clean up after the plow guy comes by -- either tonight or tomorrow. The car will take another 30+ minutes to clear the foot of snow resting there. Clearing off the car also means clearing off the ground again <smile>. With a large storm like this, it generally takes three days to clear all the walk- and driveway. I do it a bit at a time rather than overtaxing the body <grin>.
Shoveling is far from my favourite task, nor is winter my favourite season. <smile> I found a way to manage the work load. I often listen to music or spend time pondering. The latter involves talking to myself behind the scarf. That helps me gauge if I'm working too hard and getting short of breath. I shold be able to talk and shovel. I'm sure the neighbours wonder what I'm up to, but recognize that I mumble and talk to myself a lot. Wearing a mask helps cover this when in public at times <grin>
The song may be a bit negative in tone, but it done tougue in cheek. It makes me smile, even when shoveling snow. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy!
I Hate the Frigging Snow -- Fishing God Productions
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