Sunday, 2 February 2014

Day 33 -- Groundhog Day

Granted, groundhogs may not be the best prognosticators in the world, but the hype around February 2nd is clear. There are days when these rodents may be as 'on the money' as some meteorologists. Given that the event being predicted is weeks in the offing, both may be reasonably correct at this point in time. Today the Canadian groundhogs were at odds with each other, very similar to how science develops and tests theories.The difference is that the groundhog messages are distributed through mass media alone and science findings do have a peer review process along with mass media for knowledge transfer. There are definite similarities between the rodent and the weather person <smile> but differences exist, as well.

So -- it looks like Spring may not arrive for another 6 weeks. From the calendars, this should not be a surprise. The transition from winter to spring is often welcomed as a bit of respite to the winter temperatures and storms. I know I'm ready for a change to begin. Perhaps rather than thinking of the aspects of life beyond my control, like the weather, I may need to see this in a different light. Today a friend noted that every challenge can be viewed as an opportunity. That helped me to see some things from a different perspective. Hmmm -- another point to keep at hand for when things in my immediate surround begin to cause me to feel frustrated. <smile> Looking outwards instead of being a black hole for negative thoughts may help with some of the oppressive feelings that come with negativity. We'll see -- another goal set for myself.

The selection today deals with this aspect of change. It contains the amazing voice of a Scot-born singer. Enjoy!

Today I'm Gonna Try to Change the World -- Johnny Reid

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