Monday, 3 February 2014

Day 34 -- perfection as a goal?

After a number of conversations today, I began to wonder why one project was more challenging than another. Both are challenging, yet one seemed less frustrating. When reviewing what has happened and questioning what I might be able to do to facilitate the processes more effectively, I said to a friend, "well it's  almost like Meatloaf, one out of two ain't bad." <g>.  As I drove back from work and groceries, it struck me that maybe I was looking for perfection -- not only perfection, but perfection from my viewpoint only. How do I know that the process isn't working for the other people involved and I'm trying to 'drive the bus' rather than facilitate like a tour guide or navigator  -- in keeping with the travel metaphor? Was I more worried about my needs and projecting those onto other people? Hmmm . . .

So -- working to the best of my ability, using multiple techniques, should meet the needs of most people involved. I only have control over my actions and others have to be responsible for their actions. Learning to step back and let things happen and knowledge to develop in its own organic fashion will not be easy, but today I feel that this may be another step in my quest for inner peace.

Today the selection reflects the idea of not 'winning' or forcing my plan forward for all projects. It may sound like the singer is submitting to a fatalistic 'can't win them all' attitude, but I like to see something a bit more positive at work here. Enjoy!

Two out of  Three Ain't Bad -- Meatloaf

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