Friday, 21 February 2014

Day 52 -- backhoes, augers, and shop-vacs

I was awake late last night being a bit weirded out by the sewer backup -- a feeling of invasion almost. I woke for 7 AM so that I could be ready to meet with anyone sent in by the landlord to view the mess in the basement. The landlady called her insurance company this morning rather than last evening so she wouldn't hear back from them until I was in the middle of a hiring meeting at work followed closely with a class lecture. I let her know that I would do my best to arrive home by just after lunch to meet the insurance person. So -- I was a bit surprised to arrive home to a backhoe in the driveway and 3 guys waiting there for me -- not the insurance person. Snow was pushed for the full length of the 100 foot drive and the backhoe moved the 12-18 inches of snow and ice from the back of the yard so the plumbers could locate the external takout. Their power auger was then put into play. After going out 300 feet, they decided that they needed to check with the other two buildings that feed into this line on the way to the main. The closest building seemed to be OK but the farthest building had some minor problems. Once things were augered out from their end, things seemed to work without backing up at my end. The plumber brought a shop vac in to remove the solid 'organics' which made it easier for me to clean the tub (straight Lysol called into action <smile>). They feel confident that things will work well now. I will try a shower tomorrow and if that doesn't flood the basement, I may even venture into laundry on Sunday <smile>.

Once the plumbers had left, I called the landlord to give him the news and we both chatted for a while about our relief with this outcome. Everyone who dropped by to check things and do some work -- plumbers, insurance adjuster, and restoration agent -- were wonderful to work with. That helped me keep things positive and in perspective. I did note that the day was sunny and above freezing (just a bit) for all the outside work as a blessing for the day. I will admit that I pondered what I might have done to bring karma such as this. It wasn't as bad as it might have been, but it was bad enough. To be honest, I actually felt happy most of the afternoon just because something was being done. When it was completed, I felt a flood of relief and giddiness. <smile>

Today's selection deals with this feeling -- happiness means so many things to each of us. Enjoy!

Happy -- Pharrell Williams

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