Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Day 36 -- surrounded by diamond dust

After a fairly regular day, I walked home from the office. I'd chosen not to drive today since it wasn't clear when the brunt of this storm was going to hit; I hate driving in major snow and schmutz on the road. It had been snowing lightly for a couple hours when I headed out. Sun had set. The ground looked like it was covered with diamond dust. The snow was the type that truly sparkles in the light. It made for a stunning trip home. It was as if the sky had opened up and dropped this treasure for us to enjoy. (I know this is not how I usually type about snow <smile>). I haven't seen this type of snow with much regularity at this end of the country; it may be a more regular prairie thing. It made the day for me.

I will admit I gasped and then giggled to myself when I first walked out of the building and thought -- "Wow! This will be today's song." Enjoy!

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds -- The Beatles

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