Thursday, 27 February 2014

Day 58 -- Fun and Frustration

This was a good day. I went for lunch with two colleagues. This is something that never happens during an academic term -- there just isn't a time when we are all available. It seems decadent in that regard. We do go out for dinner a couple times a term, but that is an evening event. To actually take time away from the middle of the crazy days of academe is a true luxury -- and one that I really enjoy. The food was delightful and the conversation lively and enjoyable.

Two silly things made me frustrated with myself and once with a local business. I swore, regrouped and then wondered why I was so upset when something little invaded my minute by minute plan for myself. In hindsight this seems overly silly. I did revisit the business, return the purchased item and politely stated my frustration with their inability to keep shelf tagging up-to-date. If this had been the first time it happened, I would have let it go. But, this has been an ongoing issue. I was frustrated with myself for not checking the bill before leaving. The trip back took about 10 minutes, so it wasn't really messing with my rigid schedule <smile>. 

Why do little things become earth-shattering events? Perhaps they aren't the issue but something hidden is creating the frustration and just looking for an outlet. Somewhat like water, the frustration will always find a path out. Now, without spending years and thousands on therapy, how does one find a way to face whatever that inner irritation may be? Hmmm  I suspect if I had that answer, I'd have written a best seller and be wealthier than I am at present <grin>. Finding some time to sit and reflect without interruption from the demands of the world around me may be a place to start -- just not sure when that may be able to happen.

I heard this song earlier today and it really seems to fit -- one line can be a bit of an earworm, so apologies ahead of time. Enjoy! 

Bad Day -- Daniel Powter

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