Thursday, 6 February 2014

Day 37 -- Hitchcockian scenes

Today has been an odd sort of day -- encountered all sorts of odd behaviours in others which presented odd behaviours in me <sigh>. I'm trying to work through my responses to actions around me -- the walk home helped until I encountered another simply odd action along the way. I will admit these events cause major confusion, dilemma, consternation, and frustration. Tears at -12C not a good idea <grin>.

Good news -- no one tried to run me down like yesterday. On the walk home today, I also encountered one of nature's interesting events -- a murder of crows -- actually likely several murders <smile>. Hundreds of them in the trees outside the cathedral. It was dark so I couldn't see them, but could hear them for about a block away. It was like a large crowd in terms of sound -- everyone talking at once, with all the different voices, pitches and cadences. In fact, at times an almost human conversational sound surfaced. This happens a lot around town -- I've come home to find the gang hanging out in my yard, in the trees and on the roof. It is rather creepy in a way, as I still carry scars from Hitchcock's take on avian gatherings seen when I was 9 or 10. It is also very intriguing from an animal behaviour standpoint -- as curious as the human behaviours I'd encountered today, but without the negative responses on my part. I found this flocking behaviour of crows truly fascinating. Go figure.

Today's selection plays off the birds encountered. It is a cover of an old favourite from a Saskatchewan girl (at the time <smile>). Enjoy!

Big Yellow Taxi -- Counting Crows

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