Music is a spice of life! I plan to post a musical selection each day of the year, based on reflection on events of my days.
Thursday, 4 May 2017
Day 4 - 123 -- Floral Magnificance
Walking around campus and Main Street today, I was struck by the blooms that have arrived when I wasn't looking. My front lawn is filled with wonderful purple blooms, appearing in bunches naturalized throughout the lawn area. They add a sense of decor to the otherwise muddy messiness of spring. In front of the office building the first of the narcissus blooms have begun, adding their bright yellow to the festivities of the upcoming convocation weekend. Along the boulevards the early flower beds are filled with deep purple and yellow crocuses. Then when walking down Main Street, one large tree has begun to flower -- a magnolia -- that impossible looking bare tree soon to be filled with huge blossoms. Those on campus aren't quite out, but the buds are almost ready to burst forth.
Recent news items about flowers have seemed frustrated that the Canada 150 tulips are blooming with orange petals in other parts of the country. They were to be the national colours -- red and white. I had purchased some gladiolas that are to be red and white blooms, also to celebrate the sesquicentennial. I'm calling them the mystery flowers. We'll see what colours arrive into the summer. <smile>. Either way the flowers do add to our observance of the non-winter months.
A relaxing song seemed to fit the feeling the flowers have brought my way this week. This one was written by the singer and colleagues. He was also part of a famous folk.trio. Enjoy!
Every Flower -- Noel Paul Stookey ft. John Payne on saxaphone
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