Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Day 4 - 144 -- Time at a Premium

Things are feeling a bit frantic today. I was quite relaxed after the long weekend, but today things feel less calm. The dreaded 'to do' list for the week had one item crossed out. Many other tasks were completed but these had landed on my desk and buried the list for today. May will be over sooner than expected without me completing what I'd hoped to on the projects by that calendar deadline. It isn't a full write-off just yet, but I can hear the clock ticking away as if it wants to increase stress levels.

The passage of time is intriguing, as I've written about before here. It may be that the items on the 'to do' list could fit the time as planned, but the added items squeeze out some of that precious time. The additional tasks are not less important but they aren't the major projects that were originally planned. At times these other tasks feel like intrusions rather than simple necessary things. I struggle some days to see all tasks as part of the larger picture within which my planned projects fit. Without the larger processes running smoothly, my projects will not be doable. So, intrusion does not actually define the new items well. Supportive might be a better term. Now I just need to convince my brain that this is the new term and attitude <smile>.

A song that seemed to fit well today says it on many levels. This is one of the fastest paced songs by the band performing adding to the frenetic feeling of my day. The drumming and guitar set an amazingly fast tempo. The lyrics note that complexity requires time, something that seemed at a premium for me. Enjoy!

No Time This Time -- The Police

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