Saturday, 20 May 2017

Day 4 - 140 -- Changes

Divergence -- one word that covers the weather over the past two days. Both days have been mainly sunny, but the temperatures provided some contrast.  Yesterday afternoon it was registering about 33C (close to 90F) with a feel like temperature of 37C (about 100F). By early evening the temperature had dropped to 7C (closing in on the 30F range) with a distinct cold feel from the brisk north wind. Overnight lows were lower single digits with feel like temps close to freezing. Today the highs were about 10C (40ishF) with major north winds that sounded like a nor'easter wind. With windows open overnight, the house is now in a more comfortable place for sleeping tonight.

The wildly fluctuating air masses showed the promise of summer, though this could have been done with less August-like temperatures <smile>. Tree leaves unfurled more yesterday and the dandelions were in full bloom reminding me of fields of canola as we drove down the highway. After a fitful sleep in the overly warm house, it may be time for me to remove the flannelette sheet <smile>. Life and the world around us is in a constant state of change. My weather encounters merely reflect the ongoing alterations within and surrounding me. The weather also represents the idea that we are rather powerless to stop the changes in our surround. Learning to live with and more importantly, to accept change is key to survival and growth. It isn't easy to accept all changes. Some may deserve to be countered, but many have to be simply accepted.

The events outside my window over the past two days led me to a fun comic song by a British duo. Enjoy!

A Song of the Weather -- Flanders and Swann

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