Friday, 5 May 2017

Day 4 - 125 -- Planning and Pain

The morning was filled with working at home while waiting for the cable technician to come and pick up the equipment. I switched to a different supplier last week and rather than carry these things to the kiosk in the mall, they offered to send a tech to pick it up. The day turned out to be sunny so was pleasant when I headed out in the afternoon to run some errands. Scoped out a few new items that have been on the 'to buy' list for a while. Some interesting options to ponder. Then I went to a quick meeting on campus to review how to line up the students on Sunday morning. I've done this for 3 years, but the procedure was altered this year due to a smaller space for staging. The auxiliary gym is smaller than the main gym, which is in the midst of major refurbishment. It will work, but will be different. The new format sounds reasonable, but given the early hour with many having had late nights on Saturday it is not a given. We'll see how it goes on the day. When I returned home, I entered the remaining course grades for the non-graduating students. So, technically, I am now done with last term and can turn my mind to preparing for 'the next one.'

The frustrating part of the day was dealing with this ongoing migraine. The meds work just not for the full 8 hours between doses. Things seem painful for less time than earlier in the week, so I keep expecting the end of the down side of this nasty thing. On the good side, the pain is not constant but comes in waves, so I can carry on with the business of living. Eating becomes interesting, too. I get very hungry every 2-3 hours and have to eat at that point. If not, generally discomfort precludes eating, and the eating seems to help with the pain -- definitely helps with the meds. This is not a new thing -- I've had these since I was a teenager (likely earlier), so know that it is different than my friends who rest or sleep in a dark quiet room for a day and things begin to improve. I've just carried on with life -- just being less productive due to misfiring neurons. For some reason, this particular time I am feeling very fed up with it all -- more than usual, that is <smile>.

Several song lines have attempted to surface in my mind today. It took some thought -- not easy today <grin> -- to pick one. The one I settled on has numerous covers, so yet another decision to make. I do like the harmonies of this group version. The chorus  lyrics were what I heard today. Enjoy!

Hurt So Bad -- The Letterman

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