Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Day 4 - 151 -- Reducing the Baggage

The day felt like it was taking a toll in terms of physical and mental energy. Feeling weary made it more difficult to be 'on' during the meetings today. Things went well for the most part, though. An unexpected conversation led to a fascinating view of dealing with daily challenges. An acquaintance began to tell me how they handled some of the oppressive aspects of things encountered in the job some days. Through use of visualization techniques, they often felt the weight of the service delivery dragging behind them as they left work. The goal reached had been to turn the heavy bag into a balloon that could be released into the universe before leaving the building. I found this visual metaphor amazing and enlightening.

While this visualization may not work for everyone, other metaphors could work for different people. Being able to find a way to let things go in one's mind, can help to ensure everything isn't carried around inside allowing it all to fester and grow. Perhaps this could improve sleep patterns, reduce anger in interpersonal relationships, and allow personal growth. Getting rid of things can help each of us to help ourselves and others by starting with a clean slate each day. Learning what works best to help each of us achieve this freedom from baggage will take time and practice. Again, something I feel is worth the effort. 

One song came to mind as I was walking and thinking through the serendipitous conversation. The lyrics and melody seem a bit intense, but being at the beginning of the process can seem heavy. The song works well to show this and the singer's voice is perfect for this one. Enjoy! 

Let it Go -- Tim McGraw


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