Saturday, 20 May 2017

Day 4 - 139 -- Friendship

A fantastic day filled with friendship, sunshine and laughter. A friend came by this morning to take me off down the highway to get to the bank that isn't in our town. We had a lovely day to drive and look at the water, sky and trees starting to leaf and flower. We stopped at three stores for quick pick ups of things not easily found in our smaller town. The trip was relaxing and allowed the two of us to catch up on the many happenings of the past two months. This evening I met another friend for dinner -- one we've been trying to get to for over two months. The food and wine were delightful, but the conversation was the centre of the night. We have always been able to just talk and we were the last customers to leave the restaurant tonight.

Catching up with friends can be uplifting. Sharing the highs and lows of life is an act of caring. Being able to say what you need to say knowing there won't be any retribution is freeing. Hearing concerns and offering support or advice as needed reinforces the relationship. It can be frustrating when we live close by and yet work interferes with the in-depth visits needed. Being geographically distant also provides a major barrier to those long needed chats. Yet, when moments arise for a chat or longer visit, friends can pick up where they left off and jump right into conversations. These are gifts that we must both nurture and treasure.

Shared today is a song from a children's movie a few years ago. The lyrics say much of what I have been thinking and experiencing today. Enjoy!

Gift of a Friend -- Demi Lovato

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