Sunday, 14 May 2017

Day 4 - 133 -- lost things

It's been an interesting day -- think of the Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting time." <sigh> The day began with basic household chores and some cleaning done periodically. The steam cleaner I was using seems to be missing the lid for the water reservoir. Looked around the storage area for this to no avail. Thankfully, duct tape works for many household purposes. I headed out after supper to care for a friend's cats while she is away. Things there went well. On the way home I was to stop for milk. I got into the driveway and realized I'd just used cow mentality and headed straight for home. So, I walked out to get milk. I noticed while paying that the credit card wasn't in its protective case. Once home, I went through the many plastic cards and the card in question was missing. I hunted in all the likely places and many less likely. I went to the office to check there. Checked the interior of the car. Nope. I sat feeling a bit down, and decided I had to call the company to put a hold on it. I did. An hour after doing this, I found the card somewhere I'd never have looked. I called back. The card had been fully cancelled and there was no way to turn it back on. I did complain about the lack of clarity from the previous person who had asked, "How can I make your day better?" because she didn't -- she made it worse. In order to get a new card with any degree of speed, I'll have to drive down the highway to the next major centre that has a branch of this particular bank. Hopefully, I'll be back in regular purchasing action by Thursday. I do most of my purchasing through that card, rarely carrying cash. It looks like I may need to move to a debit card for a while or stop at the bank machine for enough cash to buy groceries -- which may be more than one can carry comfortably <smile>.

I've misplaced a few things recently that just seemed to get 'caught' in with something else in the wallet or briefcase. They have surfaced eventually, but were not as scary as a missing credit card. I'd been prompted to look near where it was, but I looked in the logical place and this misplacement was illogical. Whatever is messing with my stuff needs to quit doing so. <smile> I'm getting tired of this silliness. I'd have felt bad but better, if I found the card in a few days instead of just after phoning. And having a hold placed on it as I thought we'd do, would have been better. That said, it is done and a fix is in progress. I'll need to find a trick for memorizing the new set of numbers more quickly than usual.

During this crazy end to the day, a line or two from '60s song seemed to say what I'd been thinking. It takes time to get into a happy place and I dislike having that feeling diminished in any way. These lyrics say what I was muttering, though likely with a bit more finesse. <grin> Enjoy!

Get off of My Cloud -- The Rolling Stones

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