Friday, 12 October 2018

Day 5 - 284 -- Rainy Day Mood

I woke earlier than planned and already in a blue funk. I managed a number of things on the list for today, but most were challenged by an attitude. Constant rain from last evening continued and is still falling tonight. I went out for a walk in the dark and the wet just to try to get myself back on an even keel. I did not feel any less tense after the walk, which is unusual. I did cook for a bit in late afternoon. Made a batch of red beans (rice on the list for tomorrow) and a pot of stew with dumplings. More fun things to put into the freezer so I can choose on nights I don't want to cook something new. The cooking helped me to focus on something else. The paper I read and have to comment on was problematic and with the mood I was in it seemed unmanageable. I'll revisit tomorrow and hope for something better in terms of comments <smile>.

Rain often becomes a metaphor for sad or upset moods. I generally love the rain and today weather didn't play a role in the mood. I found myself with frustrations on a number of fronts. Feeling tired didn't help -- nor does the loud party across the street <grump>. My plans for an early bedtime may be thwarted by the latter. Finding ways to move out of the circular thinking that spirals out of control can be tricky. One needs a full tool box of activities that can be tried. The same ones don't always work -- as in my walk this evening. Cooking or baking, reading, soaking in the tub, and listening to music can also help. There are those days when trying numerous things just does not get me out of the mood. I guess that means I need to find more tools to add to the tool box, eh? <smile>

A song title that I'm sure I said at some point today is shared here. The lyrics could be taken as reaction to trying different ways to change a mood. Enjoy!

It's Raining Again -- Supertramp

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