Thursday, 18 October 2018

Day 5 - 290 -- Unexpected Events

A day designed for calmness and relaxing took a turn early in the day. My attempt to complete a necessary task requested I use an app on the phone rather than the website. Really?  So, after struggling for 30 minutes with something that should have taken less than 1 or 2, I stopped and refused to go further. This means I have to do this in person at a business that isn't in town -- a trip down the road tomorrow. The sun that started the day left by early afternoon. After a quick trip into the office to pick up a file and print an additional paper,  I headed back to the car. The air looked grey out the windows in the stairwell. When I paused to have a good look, it was precipitation -- and not the type one usually sees this early in the season. I won't even say the word. Very little accumulation is expected, but it will be windy and cold overnight. It is difficult to come to terms with this, given my need to travel for a meeting tomorrow.  I am hoping for some sun and a cessation of precip by the time I get out of bed tomorrow. <sigh>

So -- one word kept going through my mind for the events of the day -- it starts with an 's' <smile>. While several other words might have traveled through the thoughts, the main one dealt with unexpected events. The song title uses this word and the singer-songwriter presents it in a tension - calming mixture. Enjoy!

Surprises -- Billy Joel

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