Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Day 5 - 303 -- Unofficial Celebration

Halloween has come around again. While at the bank, one employee wore a pirate hat. The tellers had witches hats, but they had taken them off by mid-morning since they felt very hot. So -- not a lot of dressed up folks around me today. I spent some time at the office doing two things that I had not planned to do and not doing the one I did plan to do. The difficulty with the printer connections continued today, with an IT office visit now scheduled for when I return next week. Thankfully, a colleague printed the 12 pages I needed to carry to a meeting tomorrow.

I spent the evening reading a good book and watching a couple of recorded tv programs. I rarely get anyone choosing to walk all the way back to the house -- about 100 feet. They've obviously done the cost:benefit analysis or decided that the return on investment just isn't worth it <smile>. Three doorbells in 20 years -- so I don't participate. It isn't a celebration that I find interesting. Television programming seems to have a spooky bent to it this week, which can be intriguing changes from the usual story lines. Some talk shows and news magazine programs go a bit over the top with costumes, but it seems to draw viewers. I loved to see the pumpkins outside homes as I drove home tonight -- if only people then cooked the remnants or at least composted them. I dislike seeing them the next morning smashed in the centre of the road. Just a curmudgeon, aren't I? <grin>

Thinking of a song that suits the day, I chose one with fun lyrics and an appropriate theme. Enjoy!

Ghost Busters -- Ray Parker, Jr.

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