Saturday, 10 April 2021

Day 8 - 100 -- Vaccines getting closer

It was a mainly sunny Saturday with cooler air temperatures -- A pleasant looking spring day outside my windows. Much of the day unfolded with housework and time spent with the annual preparation of taxes. So, nothing very exciting happened here. <smile>

Yesterday the vaccination age was lowered to those 65 and older. My group should be up in a few weeks then. I will recheck the government website more often now so I don't miss new age announcements for making appointments. It gets closer daily and so close one can almost see it. <smile> Many friends have received or have made appointments for the first dose. Many in the US are fully vaccinated or closing in on the date for the second dose. That makes me feel odd -- there are smiles and tears and lot of mixed emotion -- mainly positive, of course. Who knew something like getting vaccinated would create such a response in me? 

I chose a song from a movie because of the band name <smile>. It fit the topic of the thoughts of the day. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Lazy -- The Vaccines & Kylie Minogue

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