Thursday, 1 April 2021

Day 8 - 91 -- Electricity

In the midst of my morning routine, we had a power outage before the storm. I waited 40 minutes and called utility line. It always surprises me to hear a live voice on the other end and not a recording --something special about a smaller town. I heard that it would be 3 hours before restoration. I worked to get information to a colleague to use the cell number instead of the home phone (land line seems not to be the term anymore now that service stops when power stops due to being VOIP in nature). Happily the phone meeting went well and power returned after about 2.5 hours. 

Today I realized how much my current daily schedule depends on a power source. And a world without wifi  -- don't get me started. <smile> I was getting the news headlines for the day and about to check the detailed weather forecast when the power left. I was minutes away from making my mid-morning caffeinated beverage. When all the usual contacts with the outside world stopped, I felt unsure what to do next. I did some cleaning in places where enough light came through a window so I could see what I was doing. It all just felt odd. I know my grandmother worked without electricity for much of her early adult life. Today reminded me of the respect I have for her and others who managed in the middle of the prairie. 

The song shared today has a title that just fit the day. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

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