Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Day 8 - 110 -- Reminiscing

 Much like yesterday, the day began grey and dreary with sunshine and bits of blue sky appearing by suppertime.  A chat with a friend in the afternoon was followed by completion of the tax forms, which are ready to send tomorrow. <smile>

This week the ubiquitous rental trucks and trailers appeared in town. Final exams finish this week, so many students are finishing and moving back home. I feel a wistfulness at this point in the academic year. It reminds me of the many trips to and fro that I made with my dad as an undergrad, practicum student and into graduate school. But, the early undergrad years hit home more right now. For five years, dad and I packed the car and moved it all 2.5 hours north to a residence room every fall and in April we moved it all back south again. Each year the amount of stuff to move increased incrementally -- mostly due to the increase in books and papers. Living in residence on campus meant very little furniture was required. I did have a small book shelf from my bedroom at home that moved to hold my stereo and later the black and white television. Other than that, the boxes held things to fill the closet, book shelves, desk drawers and dresser drawers. We'd head out for supper before the trip home. I miss those meals and conversations. In our final move back home, we packed every available inch of the old Dodge Fury. Dad was a master at spacial tasks like this. On that drive home in the evening darkness, we laughed whenever an oncoming car would flash their headlights at us. There was no need to use high beams since the back half of the car was riding so low with all the boxes, that the headlights shone upwards. 

Lots of lyrics zipped around in my brain today, but one line seemed perfect -- "Oh, to be home again." Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Rocking Chair - The Band

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