Saturday, 24 April 2021

Day 8 - 113 -- Mood Booster

This morning was cloudy and cold with some light precipitation -- some of it frozen <smile>.  I headed out for an errand and a quick chat at the bank that became 35ish minutes instead of the expected 5 -- all good news <smile>. That made my day -- the greyness and cold felt less onerous. I cooked supper and made a fruit crisp for dessert over the next few days. Yum! 

It is interesting how perceptions can change as conversations or experiences provide something that feels positive -- or negative for that matter. It can be difficult to hold onto the bliss or grumps when something around you happens. Maybe someone smiles at your or gives you great news. That can pull you out of the doldrums at least for a while. Similarly, someone cuts you off in traffic, cuts in front of you in line at the grocery store or says something inappropriate. That will have an impact on your good mood -- at least for a while. The key here is that we do need to acknowledge when our moods are changed by external stimuli. We shouldn't just try to ignore them and force ourselves to feel something that we don't. Note what we do feel and then move forward. My conversation today boosted my mood. The negatives are still there, but the good news helped to temper them somewhat. That and the gorgeous white magnolia tree in full bloom outside the bank. <smile> 

Noticing the flowers and smiles and good news today helped me see the world in a less negative way. This brought to mind a song by one of my dad's favourite musicians. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

What a Wonderful World -- Louis Armstrong

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